July 22, 2021

A dental emergency arises when there is sudden oral damage, which causes pain and limits or prevents oral activities such as eating. Here at Ten Dental, we see all kinds of dental emergencies for damaged teeth, gums, the tongue, palate, jaw and inner cheeks. 

In this article we’ll look at some of the most common dental emergencies – if you suffer from anything on this list, please email us on hello@tendental.com or call 020 3944 5699 and we will aim to give you an emergency dentist appointment within 24 hours! 


Tooth Pain

General tooth pain is one of the most common dental emergencies. For example, dental cysts are a type of oral infection that forms around the crown and tip of the root of dead teeth, or an impacted wisdom tooth because of abnormal development. 

This causes sharp intense pain and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures as a result. If it persists, head to your nearest emergency dental clinic for treatment before permanent nerve damage or even tooth loss occurs. 


Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums or any amount of blood from your mouth is a sign of a potentially serious oral health condition, such as gum disease. In its early stages, this can be easily reversible through good oral health care at home and regular hygienist appointments. However, it’s crucial to get  a dental professional to take a look over it, especially if you notice any redness, pain or persistent bleeding.


Broken Teeth

Chipped teeth, cracked teeth and broken teeth all require immediate attention, whether that’s through injury, excessive teeth grinding, a weakened large filling, or chewing hard foods. Your dentist will need to check for further damage and take appropriate action to restore your smile, eliminate any pain and protect your surviving teeth, gums and mouth. Treatment for broken or chipped teeth could be one of the following:


Lost Fillings & Crowns 

You might notice a lost filling or crown because of how loose it is or from the pain of an exposed cavity. A lost crown is easily visible in revealing the gap in your teeth, including the old, reshaped tooth or retaining implant. If you’re experiencing any kind of discomfort, ensure you keep the filling or crown in a safe place as it may be salvageable, and book for emergency dental treatment. 


Swollen Face and Gums

One of the other most common dental emergencies is swelling in the face and gums – often an indication of hidden tooth decay. If left untreated, oral abscesses could transpire and symptoms include difficulty swallowing, severe persistent throbbing, and possibly swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck. Pulpitis caused by cavities and erosion can also lead to  an inflammation of the gums.  


Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

Finally, TMJ disorders are usually the result of teeth grinding or clenching, arthritis and locking of the jaw joint with symptoms of facial pain and tenderness, nerve inflammation, headaches, as well as a clicking sound every time you bite or open your mouth. Seek professional medical attention if the pain persists for a treatment strategy that is most appropriate to you.