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Pre and Post Op Advice

Pre-Op Advice

1. Read the relevant paperwork beforehand and do not hesitate to ask questions about any aspects of treatment that have not been made clear

2. Sign and return the appropriate paperwork

3. Attend for CT or other special investigations as requested

4. Ensure pre-medications and sedatives are taken as prescribed, If you are unsure, contact your implant dentist to double-check

5. Eat a good meal before the procedure, as you will be numb for several hours after

6. Do not plan any major social events for at least several days after surgery

7. Make sure you have Ibuprofen & Paracetamol tablets in stock for after the procedure (if you are allergic to either or should not take either, please discuss appropriate pain relief measures with your implant dentist.)

8. Do not plan any activity that requires physical exertion for several days after surgery

9. Refrain from smoking at least 10 days before surgery (and 2 weeks after)

10. Alcohol consumption must be ceased for 1 week after surgery, preferably 10 days

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What to do after your operation

  • Placement of dental implants usually does not create a great deal of pain. General postoperative instructions apply, with the exception of rinsing.
  • Remember, DO NOT rinse with the warm salt water.
  • Use the prescription rinse chlorhexidine (Corsodyl), an antibacterial medicine, to assist in the healing and to keep the site healthy.
  • At the first sign of pain or discomfort, once the numbness has worn off, take 2 Nurofen tablets (or paracetamol/co-codamol if ibuprofen cannot be taken). It is very important that you have some food in your stomach before you take them.
  • Moderate to severe pain usually does not last longer than 48 hours. And mild discomfort usually diminishes after the third day. Please contact us if you experience prolonged severe pain so that we can help make you more comfortable…

  • Please do not drink any alcoholic beverages while taking prescription medication.
  • DO NOT DISTURB THE AREA OF SURGERY. Allowing the tissues to rest undisturbed assists the healing process. Avoid vigorous chewing, excessive spitting, or aggressive rinsing during the healing phase.
  • Expect minor bleeding or oozing. If bleeding persists, continue pressure on a fresh sponge for an additional 30 minutes to an hour. Should active bleeding persist, please call the surgery or your doctor’s emergency number.
  • If swelling occurs, an ice pack should be placed on the side of your face for 20 minutes, then taken off for 10 minutes and repeated. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as Nurofen, also help decrease swelling.
  • Drink many fluids—clear beverages, water, teas, soda, broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off and the bleeding has stopped. AVOID USING A STRAW FOR SEVERAL DAYS. It may dislodge the blood clot and delay healing.
  • Soft, cool foods are most easily tolerated. Sometimes a soft diet may be necessary for the first few days following surgery. Most patients are able to resume regular food intake within a short time.
  • If you are given antibiotics, you should be aware that any birth control pills may become ineffective, so alternative precautions should be taken.
  • Take any regularly scheduled medication on your regular schedule unless advised to do otherwise.
  • Try to avoid smoking completely, as it tends to delay healing and interfere with regeneration.
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Ensuring your implant lasts a long time

The success of your implants depends on your personal oral hygiene practices and regular visits to your hygenist and dentist. Professional cleaning should be done every three months.

It is extremely important for you to follow a daily programme of pral hygiene at home. While cleaning should be done as often as possible, the most important times are after breakfast in the morning and after your last meal in the evening. The following recommendations for cleaning around your implant abutments should be followed twice daily:

1. Use a soft nylon bristle toothbrush, such as Oral- B, Butler, Reach or Colgate plus. Before using the brush, rinse the bristles in hot water to soften them.

2. Brush with an anti-plazue white toothpaste.

3. Floss around each implant at least twice a day with regular dental floss, super floss, nylon yarn or with a long strip of cotton guze.

4. Rinse at least 15 seconds with an anti-plaque mouthwash.

5. If you have an irrigation system, use an anti-plaque mouthwash and irrigate around each implant abutment at a slow speed. This type of irrigation system is highly recommended to remove the plaque under your gums which harbour toxic bacteria. Rinsing out the toxins will lessen the chances for inflammation around the implant abutment.

6. If you have an electrical toothbrush, use it to clean the implant abutments, then apply Corsodyl, if instructed to do so.

7. It is advisable to occasionally check the inserts for bacterial film by using a plaque disclosing solution, or tablet. Chewing one tablet will turn your saliva red, which you should then wash around your mouth. After about one minute, discharge the saliva and rinse your mouth with water. The bacterial film will have absorbed the disclosing solution and changed its colour. Gently brush areas that are discoloured in order to remove bacteria.

8. Monitor yourself at home in order to detect early signs of inflammation, and contact your doctor if any problems arise.

These suggestions are intended to help you maintain healthy tissue and successful implants. It is your responsibility to practice good oral hygiene every day for the optimum health of your implants.

Have a look at the guide below from Curasept

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