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Different Implant Solutions

Locator Attachments

On your lower jaw, we are able to restore functionality of your bite by stabilising your denture using locator attachments.

Using a minimum of 2 implants on the lower jaw, the locator attachments fit onto your implants and your denture in turn, clips onto the attachments and is held in place.

This will stop the denture moving and give you the ability to chew without irritation to the gum.

Telescopic Attachments (Syncone)

We can use 4 implants on either top or lower jaw with telescopic attachments to hold your denture securely. On the upper jaw, this will allow you to have a palate free denture.

In addition, we can reinforce and strengthen the palate free denture to make it a very slender, discrete removable bridge. It fits firmly and snugly and can be taken out at home to clean; it’s fixed but removable.

Retention Bars

We can further improve the retention of your denture by using bars linking the implants.

This is slightly more expensive solution, but the higher investment, means a more firmly fixed denture.

Fixed bridge and same day teeth

The optimum solution, would be to have fully functioning fixed teeth.

We can do this using between 4 and 8 implants (on each jaw) to hold a bridge which is either cemented or screwed into position.

This doesn’t need to be removed for cleaning and can be treated and functions like natural teeth.

In some cases, we can remove any loose or failing teeth, place the implants and make a provisional fixed bridge all on the same day meaning there is no need to ever have a denture.

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